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Minutes: January 2024

City of Luxemburg

 Minutes- January 8, 2024

Mayor Roger J. Oberbroeckling opened the meeting at 6:00 pm in the Luxemburg City Hall. Present were: Dave Rueber, Matt Ramler, and Travis Bries, Andy Bockenstedt. Mike Ungs at 6:04pm.

Ramler made the motion to approve the agenda for January 8, 2024 seconded by Bockenstedt.

Bockenstedt made the motion to approve the minutes from December, 2023, Seconded by Ramler.  Rueber made the motion to approve the financial reports, receipts, second by Ramler.

RESOLUTION #2024-02 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING FIDELITY BANK, LUXEMBURG BRANCH AS THE OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY was approved on a motion from Rueber, second by Bries. Ayes-Ramler, Rueber, Ungs, Bries, Bockenstedt

RESOLUTION #2024-01 A RESOLUTION APPOINITNG DOUGLAS HERMAN, WITH LYNCH DALLAS P.C. as the city attorney at a rate of $175.00 per hour was approved on a motion from Ramler, Second by Bries. Ayes- Ungs, Ramler, Rueber, Bries, Bockenstedt.

The Mayor went over the budget numbers for the current fiscal year and the next fiscal year, discussion followed on the projects, budget numbers, extra meetings we will need to hold.

The Mayor presented the change order#1-final for the Industrial Park Development Contract B Paving Commercial Ave. Project, Motion from Rueber to approve the change order and payment #4 in the amount of $455.24 to Progressive Structures, second by Ramler. Ayes- Ramler, Ungs, Rueber, Bockenstedt, Abstain –Bries as he is related to owners of Progressive Structures. Motion from Ramler to accept completion of this project, second by Ungs. Ayes- Ungs, Ramler, Rueber, Bockenstedt. Abstain- Bries.

Bries made the motion to approve the pre-construction agreement with the DOT for the ADA Sidewalk project in the amount of $73,153.53, second by Ramler. Ayes-Bries, Ramler, Rueber, Ungs, Bockenstedt.

The mayor stated that the basement door to City hall needs to be replaced and he has been looking at getting quotes for this.

The mayor also went over the future plans the city is looking at, these include: New windows and paint of city hall building, trail and pickle ball court at park, lights and security cameras at park, retaining wall at city hall, Additional shelter at park, street lighting on Commercial Ave. new fire department building by water plant.

The flow meter at the lagoon has been calibrated and should reflect accurate numbers now.

The Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling appointed Dave Rueber as Mayor Pro Tem.

Matt Ramler is looking into using a grant for park improvements.

City of Luxemburg Payroll 2023:

Andy Bockenstedt-------$275.00

Travis Bries----------------$325.00       

Keith Mensen------------$5640.00

Albert Meyers-----------$10,062.01

Ramona Meyers---------$426.00  

 Angie Oberbroeckling--$22203.01

Roger Oberbroeckling--$2,125.00

Matt Ramler--------------$275.00

Terry Recker-------------$7470.00

Dave Rueber-------------$325.00

Mike Ungs----------------$325.00                    

TOTAL WAGES-----------$49,451.02

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned on a motion from Rueber second by Bockenstedt at 7:03 pm. Submitted by: Angela Oberbroeckling, City Clerk.

Minutes: February 2024

City of Luxemburg

 Minutes- February 5, 2024

Mayor Roger J. Oberbroeckling opened the meeting at 6:00 pm in the Luxemburg City Hall. Present were: Dave Rueber, Matt Ramler, and Travis Bries, Andy Bockenstedt, Mike Ungs.

Bockenstedt made the motion to approve the agenda for February 5, 2024 seconded by Bries.

Rueber made the motion to approve the minutes from January 2023, Seconded by Ramler.  Ungs made the motion to approve the financial reports, receipts, second by Ramler.

RESOLUTION #2024-03 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PROJECT PRIORITIES FOR RCTP PROGRAM APPLICATION was approved on a motion from Rueber, second by Ramler. Ayes-Ramler, Rueber, Ungs, Bries, Bockenstedt

RESOLUTION #2024-04 A RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A DUBUQUE COUNTY RCTP PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION was approved on a motion from Bries, Second by Bockenstedt. Ayes- Ungs, Ramler, Rueber, Bries, Bockenstedt.

The Mayor went over the budget numbers for the current fiscal year and the next fiscal year, discussion followed on the projects, budget numbers. Motion from Ramler to set public hearing for March 26, 2024 at 6pm. for the CGFL Max Levy, second by Bries.

The mayor and council discussed the covenants in the subdivision and whether to amend; the covenants will expire in 2026. The council discussed grants and what the Keep Luxemburg Beautiful Committee is working on and what grants they have applied for. Andy Bockenstedt brought up the debris that is plugging the drain behind his house and the standing water is an issue that should be addressed. The mayor will look into this issue.

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned on a motion from Rueber second by Ramler at 7:00 pm. Submitted by: Angela Oberbroeckling, City Clerk.

Minutes: March 2024

City of Luxemburg

 Minutes- March 4, 2024

Mayor Roger J. Oberbroeckling opened the meeting at 6:02 pm in the Luxemburg City Hall. Present were: Matt Ramler, and Andy Bockenstedt, Mike Ungs. Absent-Travis Bries, Dave Rueber.

Ramler made the motion to amend and approve the agenda by adding proposal to review for lot #6 in Luxemburg subdivision for March 4, 2024 seconded by Bries.

Bockenstedt made the motion to approve the minutes from February, 2024 Seconded by Ungs.  Ungs made the motion to approve the financial reports, receipts, second by Ramler.

Jason White VP of business services of Greater Dubuque Development was present to introduce himself and the services that he has to offer the City of Luxemburg. Jason went over programs and answered questions from the council.

RESOLUTION #2024-05 -A RESOLUTION   APPROVING “CHANGE OF ADDRESS” FOR PROPERTY CURRENTLY KNOWN AS 201 EAST SECOND AVE, CHANGING ADDRESS TO 207 EAST SECOND AVE was approved on a motion from Ungs, second by Bockenstedt. Ayes-Ramler, Ungs, Bockenstedt. Absent- Bries, Rueber.

Building permit for a storage shed for Steve Bockenstedt was reviewed and approved on a motion from Ramler, second by Ungs. Ayes- Ungs, Ramler, Bockenstedt. Absent- Bries, Rueber.

The mayor informed the council that the TPA 8 grant for the trail is being finalized and will be submitted this week. The council reviewed the grant with the mayor. The trail cost will be around $76,000.00 for trail and solar lighting and will start this summer if we are awarded the grant. The clerk stated that the RCTP grant has been submitted for the sidewalk project along 1st Street East. The mayor informed council that the bids have been let for the ADA sidewalk project and is pending approval from the DOT and the bid came in under estimate.

The council and mayor reviewed the ordinance changes on the setbacks that were prepared by the city attorney. The city will have the first reading on this ordinance at the next meeting.

The mayor had received an offer to purchase lot #6 in the subdivision; council discussed the offer and will make a counter offer to interested party.

The Mayor went over the budget numbers for the current fiscal year and the next fiscal year, discussion followed on the projects, budget numbers. Motion from Ramler to set public hearing for adoption of budget for April 8, 2024 at 6pm., second by Bockenstedt.

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned on a motion from Ungs second by Ramler at 7:27 pm. Submitted by: Angela Oberbroeckling, City Clerk.

City of Luxemburg-Public Hearing

 Minutes- March 26, 2024

Mayor Roger J. Oberbroeckling opened the Public Hearing at 6:00 pm in the Luxemburg City Hall. Present were: Matt Ramler, and Andy Bockenstedt, Mike Ungs, Travis Bries, Dave Rueber.

Ramler made the motion to  approve the agenda for March 26, 2024 seconded by Bockenstedt.

Mayor Oberbroeckling stated the public hearing on the proposed tax levy was open, the clerk had reported that no comments were received written or verbal on the levy. No public present.  

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned on a motion from Rueber second by Ungs  at 6:15 pm. Submitted by: Angela Oberbroeckling, City Clerk.

City of Luxemburg Regular Council Meeting

 Minutes- March 26, 2024

Mayor Roger J. Oberbroeckling opened the meeting at 6:17 pm in the Luxemburg City Hall. Present were: Matt Ramler, and Andy Bockenstedt, Mike Ungs, Travis Bries, Dave Rueber.

Rueber made the motion to approve the agenda for March 26, 2024 seconded by Bries.

Bockenstedt made the motion to set April 15, 2024 ay 6pm for the Public Hearing on the adoption of the new budget for FY25, second by Ungs. Ayes-all.

Ramler made the motion to approve the payment for storm sewer repair to Schieltz Const. in the amount of $922.00, second by Ungs. Ayes-all.

Mowing for the city property and the areas to go out for bids were discussed and agreed upon. The bids will be open at the April 15th meeting and awarded that night. Bids will be accepted at city hall until noon on the 12th of April, 2024. Interested parties can contact city hall for information.

Building Permit for Mike Meyers for a new addition on to his building was approved on a motion from Ramler, second by Bries. Ayes-all.

Mayor Oberbroeckling went over the trail and informed the council that it looks like this project will be getting a grant, but with that it will also have to have engineered plans that need to be approved by the DOT.

The council also discussed the lots and land that the city has for sale and the areas that would be suitable for storage sheds.

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned on a motion from Rueber second by Ungs at 6:59 pm. Submitted by: Angela Oberbroeckling, City Clerk.

Minutes: April 2024

City of Luxemburg

Council Meeting Minutes-Public Hearing Budget

April 15, 2024

Mayor Roger J. Oberbroeckling opened the Public Hearing meeting at 6:00pm in the Luxemburg City Hall. Present were:  Mike Ungs, and Dave Rueber, Travis Bries, Andy Bockenstedt. Absent- Matt Ramler.

Rueber made the motion to approve the agenda for April 15, 2024, second by Bries.

The Mayor opened the Public Hearing on the Budget for FY2025. There has been no comments written or verbal received on this topic. Bries made the motion to close the Public Hearing on the budget and open the regular meeting, second by Rueber.

                Bockenstedt made the motion to approve the minutes from March, 2024 Second by Bries.

Rueber made the motion to approve the financial report, bills, and receipts as reported, second by Ungs.

Rueber made the motion to approve RESOLUTION #2024-06 APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR FY2025, second by Bries, ayes Bries, Bockenstedt, Ungs, and Rueber.

First reading of Ordinance #1-2024 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLEVI, PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT, CHAPTER 10 was approved on a motion from Bries, second by Ungs.

Ayes-Rueber, Ungs, Bockenstedt, Bries. Absent-Ramler.

Motion from Rueber to wave second and third reading and adopt Ordinance 01-2024, second by Bockenstedt. Ayes-Ungs, Bries, Rueber, Bockenstedt. Absent-Ramler.

The Mowing bids for the season were opened and awarded as followed on a motion from Rueber, second by Bries. “Y” awarded to Ramona Meyers on a bid of $5.75 per mow. City Hall awarded to Lynn Bockenstedt on a bid of $8.00 per mow. Right of way awarded to Carl Bries on a bid of $57.00 per mow. City Park awarded to Ramona Meyers on a bid of $56.00 per mow. Front of lagoon awarded to Ramona Meyers on a bid of $34.00 per mow. Back of Lagoon awarded to Lynn Bockenstedt on a bid of $500 for one mow, $900.00 for two mows. Back of Park awarded to Carl Bries on a bid of $75.00 per mow. West left station awarded to Ramona Meyers on a bid of $9.00 per mow.

Pay app #5 and final payment for Commercial Ave project for Progressive Structures in the amount of $23,746.24 was approved for payment on a motion from Rueber, second by Bries. Ayes-Ungs, Rueber, Bockenstedt. Abstain-Bries as he is related to owner of Progressive Structures. Absent- Ramler.

Mayor Oberbroeckling went over the DOT ADA sidewalk project that has started and the issues that have been noticed. The mayor stated he has had conversations with the DOT engineer regarding the items not being taken care of as agreed upon and the fact that the City of Luxemburg has not received a final blueprint of the project. The mayor is still trying to resolve issues and will report back at next council meeting in May.

Park cleanup was discussed and the projects that will need to be taken care of. Bries and Bockenstedt are looking at this endeavor to take care of.

Rueber will be taking care of the roadside cleanup in 4-6 weeks. The Mayor will be talking to a contractor on getting rock for the water plant and road to lift station.

Helen Deutmeyer has agreed to clean the bathrooms at the park again this year as well as planting the flowers.

The can redemption at the city park was discussed and the council will be getting a sign placed with the guidelines to follow for taking cans. NO GLASS or WATER BOTTLES will be allowed, all cans must be placed in a clear bag. The city will be ordering clear bags for this. Mike Ungs will talk to the redemption center on what is expected and the city is requiring for pickup and reimbursement. All the proceeds will benefit the Luxemburg City Park.    

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned on a motion from Rueber, second by Bockenstedt at 7:20 pm. Submitted by: Angie Oberbroeckling, City Clerk.

Minutes: May 2023

City of Luxemburg

Council Meeting Minutes

May 6, 2024

Mayor Roger J. Oberbroeckling opened the meeting at 6:00pm in the Luxemburg City Hall. Present were:  Dave Rueber, Travis Bries, and Andy Bockenstedt, Mike Ungs, Matt Ramler.

Ungs made the motion to approve the agenda for May 6, 2024, second by Ramler.

                Rueber made the motion to approve the minutes from April, 2024, Second by Bockenstedt.

Bockenstedt made the motion to approve the financial report, bills, and receipts as reported, second by Bries.

Liquor License for Holy Trinity was approved on a motion from Ramler, second by Rueber. Ayes-Ungs, Rueber, Bries, Bockenstedt, Ramler.

Dylan Michels from ECIA was present to discuss grants for the trail with the council. The DRA grant is available and the city will be looking into this for the trail. The mayor also gave information to Dylan on the POS grant through the county. The council decided to start with the trail and look into lighting and benches in the future. Dylan will continue to look into grants to help with the project funding.

The mayor informed the council that the ADA/Hwy 52 project is moving along. The mayor is still in discussion on a few concerns with the project engineer. Mayor Oberbroeckling had been documenting and taking pictures of the issues with the curb and standing water.

RESOLUTION # 2024-08 A RESOLUTION SETTING CITY EMPLOEE WAGES FOR THE NEW FISCAL YEAR was approved on a motion from Bries, second by Ramler. Ayes- Ungs, Bries, Bockenstedt, Rueber Ramler.

RESOLUTION #2024-07 A RESOLUTION TO MAKE YEAR END TRANSFERS was approved on a motion from Rueber, second from Bockenstedt. Ayes- Bries, Ungs, Rueber, Bockenstedt, Ramler.

City wide cleanup for Luxemburg residents will be May 18, 2024; tags will need to be purchased in advance for the necessary items. All items must be placed by curb by 7am.

The council also discussed park cleanup and projects that will need to be done, the water heater will need to be repaired at the park also, and Mike Ungs will contact S&R to have this taken care of.

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned on a motion from Rueber, second by Bockenstedt at 7:25 pm. Submitted by: Angie Oberbroeckling, City Clerk.

Minutes: June 2023

Minutes: July 2024

City of Luxemburg

Council Meeting Minutes

June 3, 2024

Mayor Roger J. Oberbroeckling opened the meeting at 6:00pm in the Luxemburg City Hall. Present were:  Travis Bries, and Andy Bockenstedt, Mike Ungs, Matt Ramler at 6:03pm. Absent-Dave Rueber.

Ungs made the motion to approve the agenda for June 3, 2024, second by Bockenstedt.

                Bries made the motion to approve the minutes from May, 2024, Second by Bockenstedt.

Bockenstedt made the motion to approve the financial report, bills, and receipts as reported, second by Ungs.

Cigarette and Tobacco permit for Luxemburg Gas Mart was approved on a motion from Ramler, second by Ungs. Ayes-Ungs, Bries, Bockenstedt, Ramler.

The mayor informed the council that the ADA/Hwy 52 project is moving along. The mayor is still in discussion on a few concerns with the project engineer. Mayor Oberbroeckling had been documenting and taking pictures of the issues with the curb and standing water. The city is still waiting on a quote for sidewalk extension to city hall.

The mayor informed the council that we have received a RCTP grant award in the amount of $16,723 for the sidewalk along 1st street. The city has also applied for the Purchase of Service grant and the DRA Core grant.

Mayor Oberbroeckling stated he had received 3 complaints on dirt bikes being ridden in the park and tearing up gravel and grass. The parties have been contacted.

Motion from Ramler to approve the purchase of a new city computer from Smiley’s Computer Services, second by Bries. Ayes-ALL.

The clerk had some questions from the realtor regarding lots, sale prices and acreage for storage units in the commercial subdivision. The council discussed areas and cost of $40,000.00 per acre.

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned on a motion from Ramler, second by Bries at 6:42 pm. Submitted by: Angie Oberbroeckling, City Clerk.

City of Luxemburg

Council Meeting Minutes

July 1, 2024

Mayor Roger J. Oberbroeckling opened the meeting at 6:00pm in the Luxemburg City Hall. Present were:  Travis Bries, and Andy Bockenstedt, Mike Ungs, Dave Rueber. Absent- Matt Ramler.

Rueber made the motion to approve the agenda for July 1, 2024, second by Ungs.

                Bries made the motion to approve the minutes from June, 2024, Second by Bockenstedt.

Bockenstedt made the motion to approve the financial report, bills, and receipts as reported, second by Rueber.

The mayor informed the council that we have received the RCTP grant award paperwork to approve. The grant amount we will receive is in the amount of $16,723 for the sidewalk along 1st street.

Motion from Bries to approve and sign agreement, second by Bockenstedt. Ayes-Bries, Bockenstedt, Ungs, Rueber.

The mayor informed the council that the ADA/Hwy 52 project is moving along, he approved the work for extra curb by Church to be done. The mayor had a quote from the contractor that is doing the work in town for a sidewalk to city hall, the price will be $7162.75. The council decided not to pursue this through them and may look into other options. The rock and millings received from the contractor will be used on the trail, park, lagoon road.

The mayor explained to the council that Luxemburg Gas Mart wants to sell cars on their lot and is looking at approval from the City. Motion from Rueber, second by Ungs to approve Luxemburg Auto request. Ayes- Ungs, Rueber, Bries, Bockenstedt. Absent -Ramler.

The mayor has told Merkes Redemption to pick up the cans at the park. Reminder to all that no glass will be accepted and all cans must be in clear bags.

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned on a motion from Bockenstedt, second by Bries at 6:45 pm. Submitted by: Angie Oberbroeckling, City Clerk.

Minutes: August 2024

Minutes: September 2024

Minutes: October 2024

Minutes: November 2024

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